Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What are the Hidden Water Pools

Hidden water pools is a revolution in the world of swimming pools that changes some area of your house patio into a swimming pool in a touch of a button, what is all that means? All of us knows that swimming pools always designed to be full of water or an empty pool that we could not get use of its area in our patio when it is not a swimming time so hidden water pools solve all of these issues, see the video below.

The benefits of hidden water pool for the homeowner:
  • Increased Safety for the people walking there specially children.
  • Amazing Versatility (adjustable depth from one inch to almost 6 feet).
  • Environmentally friendly (less water lose and less chemicals).
  • Lower Operational Expenses such as cleaning  (substantially lower utility costs)
  • Saving land area in your backyard which means you can use its surface area for other activities.
  • Physical Therapy and Exercise.
If you invite your friends and family to enjoy a BBQ together sitting on your backyard, the kids are playing, the adults are enjoying a beautiful afternoon and the party is in full swing. After all that what is in everybody mind is to swim. You go to your control panel, insert the key, and enter your personal security code.       
Your friends and family watch in amazement as your patio begins to lower into the ground. Suddenly, pristine water begins to rush over the patio surface, and what was once your beautiful patio has now become the floor to your new Hidden Water Pool.
Here are the multiple sizes options you have when using hidden water pools
We have six pool sizes that are ready to be completely customized which are:
  • 12 foot diameter round
  • 14 foot diameter round
  • 16 foot diameter round
  • 18 foot diameter round
  • 8 x 14 foot rectangular
  • 10 x 18 foot rectangular

Because a Hidden Water Pool is the most versatile swimming pool in the world, you have the ability to accessorize your pool to fit your individual lifestyle. Below are some common options available to you:
Swim Jets
Swim endlessly in place with variable speed swim jets. You can adjust the resistance levels based on your swimming skills or desired level of exercise. Now you can exercise 24 hours a day in the privacy of your own exercise pool.
Create your own private spa by adding therapy jets that are sure to relax and invigorate tired muscles and joints. Since your Hidden Water Pool creates a thermal blanket effect when in the patio position, you can maintain the waters temperature at a fraction of the cost. Now you can enjoy a private hot tub experience 365 days a year, even in cold weather climates.
Add the adjustable height table to create unlimited possibilities. You can create a table for dining on your custom designed patio, having drinks in the pool, or popping in an umbrella to relax in the shade. With this unique option you can use your table on your patio or in the pool as a cocktail table, bar table, or ottoman.
Create any ambiance imaginable by designing your own unique lighting experience. In addition to traditional pool lights, the versatility of your Hidden Water Pool allows you many more aesthetic variations since you can raise or lower the pool to create every conceivable mood illumination.
Why not add a fabulous fountain to your Hidden Water Pool to create visually stunning water movements. You can create dramatic visual effects not possible with traditional pools.
Finally hidden water pools are the best decision you have to take when designing your backyard, with all its advantages mentioned above and that you will see in your real experience.

 This article written by Taha Mesleh working as an experience civil engineer in the field of building and contracting with Abaad Contracting Company in Palestine, if you want to read similar articles visit:http://construction-and-architecture.blogspot.com 


  1. To the author: Taha, do you know where we can buy plans for or contract the construction of a hidden water pool? We are in the midwest of the U.S. - we have tried the hidden water pool company in California and found them out-of-business.

  2. Taha, we would like a copy of the plans as well. Thanks!

  3. Taha, if possible I would also love a copy of plans as well. New York State area. Thank you!

  4. Who actually has the money for this, I mean afterward it'll be cheaper than a regular in ground pool, but who has the funds to start off with.

  5. Try www.Twinscapegroup.com the manufacturers of Hydrofloors!
